Words I enjoyed

Ran across some amusing words this week: Whale client: From MarketingSherpa’s tale of how a small company reeled in a big client, “How CPG marketer’s guerrilla campaign landed coveted space on Whole Foods’ shelves.” (Free access for a...

Words in a death trap

Dan Santow (a senior VP at PR firm Edelman) had a great post on his blog Word Wise about words that people latch onto and use “until their meaning and power dies.” His list of “words that have fallen into the death trap” includes some pet...

Can execs speak plainly?

No wonder employees find it hard to understand company “leaders” (the new word for managers, apparently). The latest “BigExec-speak” I ran into this week: Action as a verb, as in, “We’ll action those areas.” Ugh. Criticality....

Going through the wringer

What happens when a phrase references old technology? It becomes a prime candidate for being misspelled. I thought of this when spotting “put us through the ringer” in my local newspaper. The word should be spelled “wringer,” as in the old...

New words for two dictionaries

Talk about a never-ending job! Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (Eleventh Edition) recently added some new words, chosen among submissions from readers for their favourite word not in the dictionary. Sadly, one of the top choices was...

Can we please use real words?

Companies love their acronyms and initialisms. The thinking seems to be, why waste your breath to say the full words when you can abbreviate? Thus I am working on revising an article today that contains three acronyms I had not yet seen. (I keep a list for this client...