Never ‘just a dog’

Never ‘just a dog’

A dog-walking buddy (someone encountered while we were both walking our dogs) recently lost one of her dogs to cancer. Holly was just two, really still a puppy, so my friend thought there was lots of time for treatment. There wasn’t. Holly died within two weeks...

Just don’t call it a battle

Tell me you do this, too — as you flip past the newspaper section containing obituaries, you can’t help but stop and read the ones accompanied by a photo of a young-looking person. Here’s why I do it. Having lost a few friends to cancer, I feel...

Ways to help Haiti

Disaster puts our petty little problems into context, doesn’t it? If you feel inclined to help the people of Haiti struggling after yesterday’s earthquake, here’s a suggestion: My colleague (through the Halton-Peel Communications Assocation) Marnie...

Don’t wait to live your life

All the fuss about Tiger Woods this week (who is thankfully no longer the top trending topic on Twitter) just made me think this: If those who are already gorgeous, thin and rich — like Elin Nordegren and Shania Twain, for American and Canadian examples —...

Life takes action

Through the serendipity of the web, I somehow came across a blog called 37 Days. Asheville, North Carolina writer Patti Digh asked the question, “What would I be doing today if I only had 37 days to live?” after her stepfather was diagnosed with lung...

Let’s kick-start the economy!

Tired of reading/hearing about all the layoffs, bankruptcies and other bad news filling the media these days? Do something! Here’s Michael Katz’s suggestion: spend your way to an economic boost for your own town. Michael is “Chief Penguin” (aka...

Words are precious

Trust a writer to take away a word-related lesson after a near-fatal experience. Daphne Gray-Grant’s regular Power Writing newsletter was delayed. When issue#149 did arrive, she explained the delay: she’d been in hospital because she’d had a stroke....