Words this week

I ran across a couple of words this week (on Word Spy and Buzz Whack) that particularly appealed to me: Staycation. When you spend your vacation at home. (Thanks to high gas prices and a sluggish economy, it’s all many of us can afford.) Also known to those of...

Attention to detail

As confessed here before, I am certainly not perfect. But a flurry of errors in ads, newspapers, a concert program and a sign makes me wonder if anyone cares/notices any more. Spotted recently: Diamond in the ruff (rough) Patsy Klein (Cline) Gift’s with purchase...

Amusing words

From Encarta’s top 10 business buzzwords: Delayering: A newer, more PC term for “rightsizing,” a.k.a. downsizing. Potato, potahto. It’s still a layoff. Narcissurfing: Googling yourself to see where, when and how often you show up on the...

This week in words

The Toronto Star’s “the week’s best invented words” on the weekend included two I particularly enjoyed: Springbroke: the financial condition that follows Spring break (from UrbanDictionary.com) Landspam: spam delivered the old fashioned way: on...

A night at the Bee

The other night, a friend and I attended a showing of the Tony Award-winning musical comedy that just arrived in Toronto from off-Broadway: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. The play tells the story of six students fiercely competing to be the champion...