by Sue Horner | Oct 16, 2014 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Visitors to your website are either on a mission to find information or they want to be entertained. Either way, it’s your job to make the site welcoming and easy to navigate. “Usability is the term for the art of making a site easy to use,” Andrea...
by Sue Horner | Aug 30, 2014 | Most popular posts, The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Money is always a touchy subject, isn’t it? Equal pay for equal work done by men and women is still an issue. Companies don’t seem to want employees sharing salary info. Independents rarely share billing information either, and we’re always wondering if we’re charging...
by Sue Horner | Mar 26, 2014 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Is your desk and workspace tidy? Some believe a messy desk shows creativity, others that it’s a sign of an equally disheveled mind. At a meeting of my local freelancer group (HPCA) last week, we learned that it’s okay to be a little untidy, but it’s...
by Sue Horner | Jan 15, 2014 | Most popular posts, The Red Jacket Diaries blog
With years running my own business under my belt, I may be doing a few things right. So when friends or acquaintances say they are thinking about starting their own businesses, I’m happy to chat about my own experiences. Assuming you have searched your soul and are...
by Sue Horner | Nov 18, 2013 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Independent communicators are used to wearing a lot of different hats, but the one that’s most uncomfortable is usually the one called “Chief Financial Officer.” Frankly, we’d rather be doing what we do best! However, members of the Halton-Peel Communications...
by Sue Horner | Oct 4, 2013 | Most popular posts, The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Find clients, build relationships, make work easier – social media can do all this and more. Here are some of the specifics from the “Social Media for Freelance Writers and Communicators” panel*, hosted by the Professional Writers Association and IABC/Toronto’s...
by Sue Horner | Sep 25, 2013 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
The more advertising gets in our face, the more we tune it out. Instead, 70% of us apparently turn to our friends, the people in our networks and our own online research to learn more about a product or service that interests us. What does that mean for those of us...
by Sue Horner | Sep 11, 2013 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Money isn’t everything, as I often remind people who get caught up in who makes how much. But with the idea of growing or strengthening our businesses, a friend and I recently attended a seminar called Wealthy Women Leaders, led by business coach Pat Mussieux....
by Sue Horner | Aug 19, 2013 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Experience is an excellent teacher, and lately it seems that many bloggers have learned a ton from the latest movie, or dance craze, or some other passing fancy. I’ve shared my own thoughts about things I learned from: Sesame Street (tell a story to make your...
by Sue Horner | Jun 18, 2013 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
The caller got right to the point. “How much does it cost for a 250-word newsletter article?” The thing about services is that there’s rarely a simple answer to “How much?” You can always answer with a range, but that’s only helpful if you provide context and details....