12 fun gifts for writers and readers

12 fun gifts for writers and readers

We’re barely past Halloween and U.S. Thanksgiving is on the doorstep. My husband just cheerfully informed me that we have less than six weeks until Christmas and someone has already wished me a Merry Christmas. Of course I haven’t started my shopping yet, but I have...
How to make the most of your writer

How to make the most of your writer

Keeping up with the pace of change is a juggling act for internal communicators. “Restructures, leadership changes, redundancies, new technology, mergers and acquisitions, office moves – you’re expected to do it all,” as consultant Rachel Miller of All Things IC...
Community garden movement growing like a weed

Community garden movement growing like a weed

(Published in Niagara Escarpment Views, Spring 2014) A peek over the fence at some of the community gardens taking root along the Niagara Escarpment. Lush green leaves marked the spinach patch beside Chris Hadfield Public School in Milton last year. At least, the...
A ‘suit’able image

A ‘suit’able image

(Published in The Mississauga Business Times)  When Gail Friedlander launched Images That Suit* in 1984, career success meant wearing dark suits with enormous shoulder pads. Originally a recruiter and career counsellor, Friedlander had seen the effect image had on job...