by Sue Horner | Jan 15, 2020 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
This seems unreal even to me, but I’m celebrating 29 years in business this month. Wow! Starting my business was a leap of faith. Or, as I put it in a post in 2017, it wasn’t really as fast as a leap. It was more like stretching and warming up and slowly building up...
by Sue Horner | May 30, 2019 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
“Solopreneurs” may think we have to clone ourselves to take on more business. We can’t, but that’s the wrong approach anyway. Instead, we should partner with others to create a diverse team with varied skills and experience, which allows us to take on more business...
by Sue Horner | Apr 10, 2019 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Hands up if you volunteer! Hey, good for you – and good for the organization you’re helping. Much of the work in associations, schools and other groups only gets done if volunteers tackle it. In fact, if you find yourself grumbling, “Why doesn’t this group [do...
by Sue Horner | Jan 17, 2019 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
I’m celebrating 28 years in business this month – wow! Check out “A leap of faith to a dream job (with a great boss)” for a look at the best things about running my own business, and tips and resources if by chance you’re thinking about taking your own leap....
by Sue Horner | Oct 4, 2018 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Keeping up with the pace of change is a juggling act for internal communicators. “Restructures, leadership changes, redundancies, new technology, mergers and acquisitions, office moves – you’re expected to do it all,” as consultant Rachel Miller of All Things IC...
by Sue Horner | Sep 27, 2018 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
When I first went out on my own, I cold-called my way through a battered copy of The Canadian Writer’s Market. Although the effort eventually resulted in some freelance writing work, the experience was painful, as I recently recounted. The tactic is unlikely to...
by Sue Horner | Sep 6, 2018 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
People are interested in launching their own businesses, but a little nervous about it, too. That’s the not-so-surprising conclusion I took away from this week’s panel discussion about starting an independent business. We had a great turnout, lots of information from...
by Sue Horner | Aug 29, 2018 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Nearly 28 years still seems an improbable amount of time that I’ve been out on my own. Astonishing, even. But LinkedIn has done the math, and assures me Get It Write has been operating 27 years and eight months. Oh sure, luck played a role – and tremendous support...
by Sue Horner | Aug 2, 2018 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
My computer is now back from the shop/hospital/morgue, and you’d be right to say I should have seen this coming. My (formerly) trusty MacBook Pro was ancient, in tech terms – 2010, to be exact. The year sticks in my mind because it was part of my “back to school”...
by Sue Horner | May 9, 2018 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
The funny thing about success is that people usually know what we should do, but fear often holds us back. Here’s what I learned from a discussion with the members of Communicators Connection, who shared secrets to success at a networking event earlier this month:...