People first, not disabilities

There was some back and forth in the Toronto Star last week about outdated language in reference to people with disabilities. A column by Kathy English noted that former Ontario MPP Gary Malkowski, a long-time advocate for those who are deaf, took offence at a Star...

Are you up or down?

Some colleagues were recently discussing words and phrases and how they change, and how often the change involves opposites. For instance, you used to be “up for” something if you were eager to do it, or “up on” something about which you were...
Twitter as kudzu

Twitter as kudzu

In the post-Christmas calm, I’m catching up on some reading — some new books I received as gifts, and blogs, naturally! I loved Chris Brogan’s description of Twitter: “Twitter is the stupidest thing anyone could ever imagine inventing. If I...

Found: trait we call quirky

As things wind down for a Christmas break, I thought I’d share with you an interesting quirk that seems to strike people good-hearted enough to post “found” ads. It’s the need almost so many of them have to name the foundling. And in this, the...

‘Tis the season

What is it with the need some people seem to have to add “season” onto perfectly acceptable solo words? “Tis not only the season to be jolly, but also to be throwing around wishes such as “Happy Holiday Season” (complete with...