by Sue Horner | Nov 9, 2021 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Is your company doing the important work that supports diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I)? Or is it settling for “performative diversity”? The subject came up after I shared an article on social media that listed some “easy ways” communicators could support...
by Sue Horner | Apr 8, 2021 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Dense, complicated and potentially boring subjects need explanation, no matter who you’re writing for. That’s often what I’m asked to do, and here’s my “secret” for turning a potentially boring subject into an interesting one: Find the human, because...
by Sue Horner | Jan 25, 2021 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
With so many people working from home during the pandemic, companies have more remote workers to reach than ever. And there’s no end in sight. Research firms say 82% (Gartner) to 86% (Gallagher) of companies plan to let employees work remotely at least part of the...
by Sue Horner | Nov 25, 2020 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
As the pandemic wears on, is the pace of communication easing for you? Comparing conditions in May 2020 and September 2020, a Simpplr survey found that at first, employees received company-wide updates daily, even several times a day. By September, the updates were...
by Sue Horner | Oct 30, 2020 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Who imagined back in March that we’d be dealing with the fallout of the pandemic through nearly four seasons? The number of people affected changes daily, and sometimes the advice, too. People are hungry for news, and they want to hear from their employers – at least...
by Sue Horner | May 28, 2020 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
If a pandemic isn’t the time for internal communication professionals to stand up and shine, when will it be? So asked participants – five respected communication professionals – in a recent Staffbase-sponsored webinar about imposter syndrome. Is imposter syndrome...
by Sue Horner | Mar 29, 2020 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
These are “unprecedented times,” to use one of the phrases you’ve no doubt heard dozens (hundreds?) of times over the past few weeks. Tiresome clichés aside, more than ever, this is a time for clear communication. “Communication is at the heart of the employee...
by Sue Horner | Feb 27, 2020 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
How do you reach members of your organization when they number more than 80,000, live across Canada and beyond, and are an average age of 65? I found out when talking to Sylvia Link, MC, ABC, APR, who is Director of Marketing & Communication for RTO/ERO (formerly...
by Sue Horner | Oct 20, 2019 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
You need to bulldoze, guilt, beg and pressure your company’s management (“leadership”) into doing their part for internal communication (IC). That was a key message from a recent Ragan Communications webinar on “What makes communications great.” The webinar talked...
by Sue Horner | Sep 26, 2019 | The Red Jacket Diaries blog
Having been on the outside of internal/employee communication for many years, I’m on a quest to find the current “inside” view. The September issue of my newsletter, Wordnerdery, continues a series where I report the results. My thanks to Sheri Morgan, ABC, for...