Link to January newsletterWith so many people working from home during the pandemic, companies have more remote workers to reach than ever. And there’s no end in sight. Research firms say 82% (Gartner) to 86% (Gallagher) of companies plan to let employees work remotely at least part of the time even after the pandemic is over.

People’s sense of belonging is worse when working from home, according to a global survey in 2020. Employees have difficulty building and maintaining work relationships and staying aware of what others are working on.

Communication professionals are responding by using multiple channels to reach employees. And the humble e-newsletter is still a valued part of the program; my October and November newsletters looked at this in What’s working during COVID-19.

Still, there’s no question the e-newsletter has competition in employee in-boxes. My January newsletter (or check this more mobile-friendly version if you’re reading this on a cellphone) runs through eight ways to make your newsletter “click-worthy” and the best it can be in 2021. Tips include starting with an effective headline that encourages opening the email, providing useful content and being human.

How about your company? Do you still use an e-newsletter, and if so, what makes it work (or not)? Please share in the comments.


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