Sue Horner is a freelance writer in Oakville, Ontario, who blogs about writing, newsletters, communications and running an independent business in The Red Jacket Diaries blog.
Did you know you can spot the use of ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence from the language they use? Apparently AI loves buzzwords. An investigation into scientific articles found a suspicious increase in the use of words like intricate, commendable,...
Artificial intelligence may be fast, but its first drafts are not usually ready for prime time. Users complain an AI first draft is wordy and repetitive. It meanders and takes a long time to get to the point. And it can be filled with transitional words like...
You’ll have noticed that I share a lot of posts about good writing! Once again, my roundup of social media posts you might have missed touches on tips for better writing, overcoming writer’s block, using gender-inclusive language and more. *** If you’re writing...
Never underestimate the value of simple pleasures! Even savouring a steaming cup of freshly roasted coffee with a friend can strengthen a relationship, stimulate your brain and reduce feelings of isolation. It can also spark a moment of joy, which may be in short...
When it comes to explaining complicated material, one helpful tool is what I call “expressive writing.” That’s using analogies – similes and metaphors – to spark an “aha” moment of understanding. (And couldn’t we all use a shortcut to understanding...
I’m always looking for reminders about good writing, and here’s another collection of advice. While I’ve shared these on social media, what are the chances you happened to be on X or Facebook or LinkedIn at the right time to see them? There are 12 basics of...
Many communication professionals have just marked Pride Month by showing how their companies support diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. If that’s you, good for you. But are you also carrying out those activities the rest of the year? Unfortunately, June is...
Summertime, and the networking is easy. Well, it’s easy at the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) World Conference. In my experience, its professional development is also great, the social events are terrific and the people are warm and...
The easier we make it to read what we write, the more people actually will read it. Even more important, they’ll understand and remember it. That’s a key part of plain language: Helping readers find what they need; understand what they find; and use what they find to...
Welcome to another roundup of links you might have missed from posts I’ve shared on social media! In this edition, you’ll find plenty of writing tips, including some specific to storytelling, and one fascinating story about squirrels. STORYTELLING How to turn numbers...