The library in my town has been there for me for many years. When my children were small, we joined the reading program every summer, and we were frequent borrowers of books and occasionally toys throughout the year. It’s the first place I turn when I hear of a good book (so I can try before I buy). And it just proved its worth again when I couldn’t remember the name of a book.

I had the first word of the title but not the author. Searching under “Dish” brought up thousands of possibilities at both and Many of them were cookbooks, most including the word somewhere but not first. But where was the book with a title beginning “Dish”?

A search at my library’s site returned the book I wanted as number two. (Note: Afterwards, I tried it again and Amazon found it, also as #2). It’s Dish: Midlife Women Tell the Truth about Work, Relationships and the Rest of Life, by Barbara Moses.

What I also liked about a recent “touch point” (as marketers like to say) with the library: I received a one-sheet update saying, “Here are just some of the ways we’ve used your donation to bring our services to life in your community.” I liked knowing that children read 30,000+ books during this summer’s reading program. I also liked that I wasn’t asked to give again, although the contact information is there to make it easy should I want to.

Do you use your library?