You’ll typically hear death notices for blogging (“blogging is dead”) every year or two, but it’s interesting that — like much that’s related to technology — the means of sharing thoughts online just keeps morphing into something new.

According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, roughly one in 10 adults is keeping up a blog or online journal. However, only 14% of online teens now say they blog, down from 28% in 2006, although millennials rank “reading blogs” higher than any other age group.

Pew notes that “while the act formally known as blogging seems to have peaked, internet users are doing blog-like things in other online space.” So instead of blogging, teens and young adults are “micro-blogging” (on Facebook and MySpace, for instance).

Pew notes that teens aren’t much into Twitter (8%) but they do love their text messaging (66%). Most “wired American teens” (73%) use social networking sites, up from 55% in 2006, whereas only 40% of adults 30 and older use them.

Do you think this is a generational thing? If Baby Boomers are into something, that’s a clear signal to younger generations to stay away!