Image of three red and yellow Happy Meal boxes on a dark background. Text reads, “Tariffs aren’t a Happy Meal + more analogies. New in March 2025 Wordnerdery.”Steve Jobs used an analogy when he introduced the iPod in 2001, saying it held your whole music library in a device small enough to fit in your pocket.

As he said, “Analogies work because they make the unfamiliar familiar; they help the mind navigate new terrain by making it resemble terrain we already know.”

You’ll have seen and heard plenty about tariffs these days. But have you seen any explanations of this “unfamiliar territory” that give you a sense of tariffs and how they are used? This is a job for analogies!

I went down another online rabbit-hole and found a number of interesting explanations. There’s a view of tariffs as a blunt tool or a brick being thrown to someone drowning. The use of tariffs can be a game of chicken or a prisoner’s dilemma. What they aren’t, in one writer’s opinion, is a Happy Meal.

Read the details in the March issue of my newsletter, Wordnerdery.

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Farewell to the iPod in 2022
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