What the shoemaker's daughter would likeAs the new year gets underway, advice abounds on how to keep the resolutions that are going to make this year the best ever. One of the most effective tactics, apparently, is to tell people what you’re going to do.

So let it be known that I am launching my own newsletter this year.

I realize this is not earth-shattering news, hardly worthy of being broadcast from the rooftops. Yet it has been on my “to do” list for long enough that it’s time to make my intentions public.

Like the experts I frequently quote, I love newsletters. Done right, they are warm and friendly, and contain interesting and/or useful information. They arrive often enough to be familiar and welcome, but not so often that they seem too frequent. They don’t require a huge investment of time to read, either.

Newsletters can help companies keep employees connected and informed, and they are valuable external marketing tools. Author and e-newsletter expert Michael Katz says,

“If you want to be seen as an expert; if you want to be thought of first when someone has a need you can fill; if you want to make an authentic, human connection with prospects who quickly and happily hire your services, an E-Newsletter will make it happen.”

Web usability expert Jakob Nielsen calls email newsletters:

“the Internet’s best tool for supplementing a website…Email newsletters are a better way to stay in touch with customers than updates posted on social networks like Facebook or Twitter.”

So why don’t I have one if I like them so much and they are so useful?

  • Like the famous shoemaker’s son/daughter who has no shoes, I have spent all kinds of time on other people’s newsletters and devoted no time to creating one of my own.
  • I have wrestled with what kind of content to share with readers.
  • I will also admit that the perfectionist in me is attempting to make it perfect before releasing my precious to the world. As you well know, “perfect” is the arch enemy of “done.”

But there will be a newsletter this year, and I would be honoured if you would consider subscribing to it when I get the link up. In the meantime, advice welcome.

Update: The first issue of Wordnerdery went out on March 22, 2013. Let the bells ring out and the banners fly, as the old Bugs Bunny cartoons used to say! Are you a subscriber yet? If so, thanks for reading! If not, you can sign up here. In keeping with Canada’s anti-spam laws, you can unsubscribe at any time, if you don’t care about breaking my heart.

Lipstick red shoe by Ron White Shoes.

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