The latest issue of IABC’s printed Communication World (or CW, which now receives top billing over the full name) reports on the results of a recent member survey about salaries and job satisfaction. Generally, the 3,370 respondents indicated we’re satisfied with our salaries and our current organizations.

Should we be? Reading the details, we find that the median base salary for members in U.S. chapters is $75,000 US, and for those in Canadian chapters, it’s $61,695 US. Hmm. Are we being too nice to demand the raise it appears we’re due?

I also found it interesting that the median self-employed hourly rate was $100 US (the mean or average was $116 US), in sharp contrast to the agency hourly billable rate of $165 US (mean of $204 US). I hope this encourages companies to give talented and qualified freelancers the opportunity to quote on work!

By the way, the summary said four per cent of respondents indicated they were “sole practitioners,” but seven per cent were “self-employed” at the end of 2006. I am not sure what this means!