I’m having lunch later this week with an acquaintance who is considering launching her own business and wants to “pick my brain.” While I don’t claim to know it all, I’ve had my own business for about 18 years, so I must be doing some things right! I’m happy to share my thoughts about what works and what doesn’t, and where to find support and inspiration — and that includes my friend and colleague Donna Papacosta of Trafalgar Communications.

Donna also gets requests for advice, and she shared some of it in a podcast she put together on “Thriving as an independent.” (Sorry, link no longer active.) Full disclosure: among the tips is a reference to my own post about diversifying your client base through referrals.

Donna also mentions giving, something she has done as long as I’ve known her. As she points out, when you volunteer your time, you will always get something in return, whether it’s building a relationship or learning something new.

What other advice would you give?

(Updated August 2020.)