Those who spend large amounts of time online will totally understand when T.J. Larkin, in a weekly Larkin Pages research summary, says that we’re the ones responsible for half of our own interruptions.

Think of all those blogs you follow, keeping up your own blog, checking email, visiting social networks, checking out what’s new, Twitter etc.; some days it’s a wonder we get much done at all!

In Dr. Larkin’s mailing, Multitasking Lowers Performance, he says we can reduce interruptions by a whopping 92% if, during certain times of the day, we stop interrupting ourselves:

  • by not checking emails, standing up and moving around or beginning a casual conversation (49%)
  • by asking others not to interrupt us (21%)
  • by not responding to new emails (13%)
  • by not answering the telephone (9%)

I dunno; sounds like quite a bit of discipline is required! Now excuse me while I go check my email.