Newsletters have valueHowever “old school” you might think them, newsletters remain a powerful tool for keeping in touch with employees, clients, prospects and other important audiences.

Sure, call me biased. I love newsletters, both print and electronic. But I am not the only one, and here are some of the reasons why:

  • Email and electronic publications help employers get a consistent message to everyone, said 78% of respondents to a November 2014 survey by Newsweaver and Ragan Communications.
  • Newsletters also play an important role in content marketing, which is creating and sending “valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience” (Content Marketing Institute).
  • Creating original content fuels business growth, according to Brian Clark, founder of influential digital trade magazine Copyblogger. At the end of 2014, he backed this belief by launching Further, a ”curated email newsletter dedicated to living your best life, with features and news items related to health, wealth, and wisdom.”
  • Newsletters help you “cost-effectively build and maintain relationships with customers and prospects,” says Jeanne Jennings, one of the world’s top 50 email marketing influencers. (I would add employees to her list.)

Read the January issue of Wordnerdery for even more reasons.

Do you think newsletters still have a place in 2015? Why or why not? Let me know in the comments below.

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