Yesterday marked the birthday of Queen Victoria, who reigned when Canada was born. It’s a classic Canadian holiday, dubbed “May two-four” in a nod to both the date (the Monday closest to May 24) and the ceremonial purchasing and consuming of at least one case of 24 beers sitting outdoors in the sunshine with friends and family.

Well, that didn’t happen, although we did have wine with dinner. We don’t have a cottage, so did not have to join the throngs on the road heading off to open the cottage, then huddle indoors in unseasonably chilly weather. It was really too cold to plant anything, although I dressed up the deck with a few pots of flowers. So it was at least a restful weekend.

Thus I found myself on the computer yesterday catching up on blogs I’ve not had a chance to read. I came across Brian Clark‘s post at the Copyblogger about how emergency brain surgery woke him up “to getting on with living the life I want to live.” His close is too good not to include here:

“What do you want to do? Why aren’t you doing it?
“I don’t care what your answer is — this is the only shot you’ve got. This is not a dress rehearsal.
“Who are you to chase your dreams no matter what, you might ask? Who are you NOT to?”

My sentiments exactly. You?