National Punctuation DayNational Punctuation Day is fast approaching; do you have your assignment yet?

What, you haven’t been eagerly awaiting Sept. 24? That is the day when Jeff Rubin reminds us that “a semicolon is not a surgical procedure,” and urges us to freely toss around punctuation marks.

A past challenge celebrated the 2012 presidential election:

“Write one paragraph with a maximum of three sentences using the following 13 punctuation marks to explain which should be the official punctuation mark of the President of the United States:”

apostrophe, brackets, colon, comma, dash, ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, parentheses, period, question mark, quotation mark and semicolon.

Entrants could use a punctuation mark more than once, and there was no word limit. Multiple entries were permitted, and the winner(s) were told they would receive a box of punctuation goodies, including a National Punctuation Day t-shirt. No word on who won and why, but you could always check with Jeff at National Punctuation Day headquarters, at

Related reading:
A terrific entry in the 2011 contest, relating colours to punctuation marks
My own haiku for the 2010 contest, which sadly did not win