Hello friends, it’s time for yet another roundup of links you might have missed. This time, you’ll find some new and classic advice related to writing. I do post these beyond the dwindling population of X, but what are the chances you saw them the first time? Plus, the advice is well worth another look.

A simple way to capture your reader’s attention can be summed up as (the somewhat ugly) BLOT: Bottom Line on Top. Ask yourself: “What is the single most critical thing my audience [reader, listener, viewer] needs to know?” Carmine Gallo in Inc.

Four tips for better headlines, by Allison Carter in this Ragan Communications flashback. It includes the classic, “What’s in it for the reader?” Hmm, echoes of BLOT.

Another flashback, this to advice for writers that may be years old, but still holds true, especially the reminder of the importance of the reader. Also, “No one will ever complain because you have made something too easy to understand.” Tim Radford via The Guardian.

Eight tips for better writing, including “Make the important interesting” and “Make sound bites better,” by Ann Wylie.

Learn to write from great writing, says Tom Corfman. When you see a terrific sentence, ask yourself, “What makes it so good?”

Calling something “great,” “very good,” or “terrific,” is not communicating nearly as much as you think, says Joel Schwartzberg. Learn what “badjectives” are, and how to avoid and replace them with meaningful points.

Helpful discussion about the art of crafting effective interview questions. I especially like “Why is everyone talking about this?” By Emily Laber-Warren for The Open Notebook.

“An anecdote is the antidote” and “Buzz off, buzzwords.” Two of 10 reminders for crafting content that connects, by Jennifer Daniel for PR Daily.

With everything going on in the world, who couldn’t use a smile? In case you missed it, Fat Bear Week recently ended with the crowning of 128 Grazer as champ. I was reminded of the Nieman Storyboard account of the hilarious National Park Service team, which I’ve mentioned before: “How do you make the bear facts interesting?”

What other helpful posts about writing have you found online? Please share in the comments or drop me a note.

Image by Ylanite Koppens from Pixabay.

Related reading:
August links, with employee communication tips
Summer edition links, all about writing
Links from May, about diversity and inclusion