The most epic, amazing, all-star, kick-ass blog post ever
Sorry for what may be a misleading headline. This post is not the most epic, amazing, etc. one ever; but do you notice how so many people are casually attaching those words to any blog post? A search for “epic blog posts” or “kick-ass blog...
Have some fun with collective nouns
A large flock of crows swooped overhead as I walked the dog one day. Although it was early morning, my brain dimly recalled the official name is a murder of crows, in the obscure naming convention of “collective nouns.” I looked up collective nouns, and...
Accessible websites boost SEO, too
Good design and clear, simple writing are two aspects of creating accessible websites that not only meet new Canadian regulations — they’ll also improve your search results. At a meeting of the Halton-Peel Communications Association last week, my colleague...
Give and get the lowdown on shopping in Toronto
You’re in a new city, perhaps for a conference or other business. Most of your time is mapped out, but you want to pick up a souvenir or gifts for family back home. Or maybe you forgot to pack the right shoes, or you spilled coffee on your lap. Where do you go?...
Cold winter breathes new life to frosty words
Snow is again falling, the story of the winter of 2013-2014 for much of the eastern United States and Canada. It’s barely February, so there is much winter to come. Even skiers can’t be happy about this, when blowing snow creates whiteout conditions for...
Guest bloggers allowed, but you’d better be genuine
Can we talk about guest posts? Plenty of bloggers are because of a piece by Google’s Matt Cutts talking about guest blogging as a link-building strategy. The issue is not so much a guest blogger offering to write a post, which is a legitimate way for an expert...
7 things I’ve learned in 7 years of blogging
Has it really been seven years since I started this blog? Hard to believe, for someone who had a hard time updating a journal more than once every couple of months, as I shared in my very first blog post! Since then, I’ve managed to fairly consistently blog once...
What kind of content should you put in association newsletters?
Do you work with email distributors? Among my volunteer jobs these days is communication for two groups for independents, IABC’s Professional Independent Communicators and the Communicators Connection (formerly Halton-Peel Communications Association). So I find myself...