The Red Jacket Diaries blog

Sue Horner is a freelance writer in Oakville, Ontario, who blogs about writing, newsletters, communications and running an independent business in The Red Jacket Diaries blog.
Friday fun: Book version

Friday fun: Book version

Especially given my last post, it’s time for another roundup of funny, interesting or just plain silly items found online, this time related to books: The Seattle Public Library staged the world’s longest book domino chain to promote its summer reading...
Missing IABCWC13

Missing IABCWC13

The flurry of #IABCWC13 tweets and jolly Facebook posts about exciting adventures in New York has bombarded me for days, each one a sharp reminder that I did not attend this year’s IABC World Conference. I’m feeling a little sad about that, although it...
The art of the interview

The art of the interview

“Grizzle makes me sizzle.” You can bet that I will never mispronounce (retired) Judge Stanley Grizzle’s name again. For the record, it’s “Grizz – ZELL.” But mispronounce it I did when calling to set up an interview with the...