12 tips for reducing email overload
And you thought your in-box was already overflowing. These days, many bloggers suggest people subscribe by email rather than to an RSS feed. Canada Post is encouraging consumers to sign up for epost, to get bills by email rather than snail mail. And businesses see the...
Friday fun, Mother’s Day edition
Time for some Friday fun! Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. Awkward family photos, Mother’s Day style. Of course your Mom encouraged you to spell properly. Here’s a funny way to remember commonly misspelled words, from The Oatmeal. Thanks to Amy Sept for...
Start your business already! Here’s some advice
Are you interested in starting your own business? As companies think about calling all employees back to a physical office, rumour has it that many people are planning to quit. This may be the spark that lights your simmering entrepreneurial passion. After working...
Fight for readability with five easy fixes
The easier we make it to read our newsletters and other material, the more people will read, understand and retain. Sometimes copy reviewers – engineers and lawyers spring to mind – will challenge you. They’ll try to turn simple words into stilted, formal...
Seven pet peeves about Twitter use
I’m not the first to post about Twitter pet peeves, and I won’t be the last. But given that Twitter launched in 2006, it’s about time to get rid of some bad habits. Beyond the basic offenses like having an egg for a profile photo, no bio to speak of...
Panelists agree: Social media changes everything
People have a compelling need to share our information with each other, and we’re finding it easier than ever with social media. That means huge change for business. At a session sponsored by IABC/Golden Horseshoe and IABC/Toronto Westend on April 11, a trio of...
Boring topic? 3 secrets to spin that ‘straw’ into gold
Some days I look at the topic a client has asked me to write about and think, “How on earth am I going to make this interesting?” You know the topics. They’re necessary, but they aren’t the sexiest. Safety reminders, maybe, or a potentially dry...
Make your media pitch relevant
Working with the media has changed since the days of PR people sending pitches by fax. Yet what hasn’t changed is the key to getting media coverage – which is likewise key to newsletter effectiveness: relevance to the audience. I don’t have media relations...