Top 10 time: Bailout and other words of the year
Happy new year! Word nerds enjoy this time of year, when various dictionaries and other authorities name top and top 10 words: Merriam-Webster lists bailout as the word of the year for 2008 after it received the highest intensity of lookups on Merriam-Webster Online....Ode to freelance joy
I can’t resist sharing Bill Dyszel’s “freelance national anthem,” about the joys of being a freelance writer. Appropriately enough, it’s sung to Ode to Joy (written by German poet Friedrich Schiller but best known in its musical setting...
Santa’s blogging, and says it’s not a ‘holiday’ tree
Did you know that Santa’s blogging this year, and he’s planning to podcast next year? Dave Fleet, who listed what he’d do if he were Santa’s PR guy, directed me to Santa’s blog. Sadly, the blog is no longer live, but the list of 100...
Where snowy woods are lovely, dark and deep
We had lots of snow on Friday and a little more over the weekend, dropping a heavy blanket over the trails where Jake and I usually walk. Snow like this always makes me think of my favourite Robert Frost poem, Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening, which I just learned...