Sue Horner is a freelance writer in Oakville, Ontario, who blogs about writing, newsletters, communications and running an independent business in The Red Jacket Diaries blog.
This seems unreal even to me, but I’m celebrating 29 years in business this month. Wow! Starting my business was a leap of faith. Or, as I put it in a post in 2017, it wasn’t really as fast as a leap. It was more like stretching and warming up and slowly building up...
Happy New Year! Oops, the year has hardly begun and we’re heading for the New Year’s resolution danger zone. Already, “chances are pretty good that all those lofty resolutions you made before the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31 have fallen by the...
The flurry of end-of-year lists is well underway, and I’m jumping in. As 2019 winds down, here’s my last post this year: The top 10 most-viewed posts on the blog. 1. The post that got the most traffic this year by far was on a topic I periodically revisit: Is blogging...
In my house, Christmas isn’t Christmas without shortbread cookies, made with my mother’s recipe. Almost all of us have food traditions for family gatherings, especially during the holidays. Some of the food is expected, even demanded. Not all of the dishes are...
What topics caught the public’s imagination this year? Which words drove you or your friends to the dictionary? (Asking your Mom doesn’t count.) We’re starting to find out as dictionaries report the popularity of word searches over the year. The searches show...
When it comes to Christmas trees, it seems people are either in Camp Real (oh, that fragrance!) or Camp Artificial (oh, so easy). For many years, my family was away over the holidays, so for safety’s sake, we went with artificial. And having one, we keep using...
Oh, my poor eyes and brain. When I logged into my analytics last week, Google asked me to agree to new “Google Measurement Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms.” Like you, probably, I usually just click on “agree.” This time, I copied, saved and read the terms....
As usual, festive decorations have been everywhere even before we got Halloween and Thanksgiving out of the way. So it’s time for my fifth annual list of holiday gift ideas for the readers, writers and word nerds in your life: 1. Greeting card gift pack A pack of...
A prospective client called me this week to talk about an e-newsletter he wants to send his customers. I’m fond of newsletters, so it would be easy to just say, “Sure, let’s do it!” Instead, what I suggest in situations like this is to ponder...
Some days I flex my writing muscles. Other days, red pen in hand, I’m trimming and toning flabby writing. By that I mean reviewing a document for typos, jargon, wayward punctuation, grammar errors, the passive voice and other writing that stops readers in their...