Talking ’bout my generation
I had an interesting experience that followed up a session at the IABC conference on generational differences in the workplace. Exhibit A. My husband (baby boomer) was looking for the phone number of a local golf course. He turned first to the closest print phone book...Recent sightings of fun + misspelled words
Fun words spotted recently: BlackBerry prayer. The head-down, slightly hunched position characteristic of a person using a BlackBerry or similar device. (From Word of Mom. Attributed to Mabel’s Labels (“labels for the stuff kids lose”),...
Happy July 1! It’s a red leaf day
I helped a friend bottle wine the other day, after which we were lured over to the nearby “fresh cut fries” stand. I had never had poutine, that fries/gravy/cheese curd snack people rave about, so that’s what we had. (It was OK, but really, I prefer...
NY food and fun highlights
This would all have been relayed as it happened, if only I had brought my laptop. Since I didn’t, the New York highlights continue after the fact, this time related to food and fun: * Tribeca Grill, which is co-owned by actor Robert de Niro. The building itself...
More NY highlights
Taking notes during a conference is a great way to remind yourself of the speakers you heard and the insights you gained. Otherwise, I find one presentation tends to blur into another and it’s the standout performance (Seth Godin springs to mind) that you...
Sue’s excellent NY adventure
The IABC International Conference in New York City was great! I got back Wednesday evening but have been scrambling ever since to catch up – I didn’t bring my laptop and couldn’t log in using my roomie’s (forgot my password). I’m up...
Writing is magic, and not just scary (Stephen King)
Stephen King’s books used to be on my reading list. Early in my working career, I read The Shining on the half-hour train from the suburbs into the city. I would get on the train and start reading, and suddenly I would look up, eyes wide and heart pounding, and...