The Red Jacket Diaries blog

Sue Horner is a freelance writer in Oakville, Ontario, who blogs about writing, newsletters, communications and running an independent business in The Red Jacket Diaries blog.

Talking ’bout my generation

I had an interesting experience that followed up a session at the IABC conference on generational differences in the workplace. Exhibit A. My husband (baby boomer) was looking for the phone number of a local golf course. He turned first to the closest print phone book...
NY food and fun highlights

NY food and fun highlights

This would all have been relayed as it happened, if only I had brought my laptop. Since I didn’t, the New York highlights continue after the fact, this time related to food and fun: * Tribeca Grill, which is co-owned by actor Robert de Niro. The building itself...
More NY highlights

More NY highlights

Taking notes during a conference is a great way to remind yourself of the speakers you heard and the insights you gained. Otherwise, I find one presentation tends to blur into another and it’s the standout performance (Seth Godin springs to mind) that you...