That’s me in the spotlight (thanks, Brad!)
One of the things I love about social media is the random way you meet interesting people. I’m not quite sure of the breadcrumb trails that led me to connect on Twitter with Brad Marley, CEO of Yelram Media, but we share an aim to help companies tell their stories...
10 ways to spark creativity in the time of COVID-19
Please tell me I’m not alone in feeling a lack of creative spirit these days. Sure, some people have taken up baking sourdough bread or learned to play guitar or are singing arias from the balcony every evening. I keep reading that Shakespeare wrote King Lear and...
5 surprising writing lessons from hiking the Bruce Trail (Wordnerdery)
While the pandemic has been busy disrupting our lives, many of us headed outdoors to bike, walk, hike and take in the peace of being in nature. My 2020 was already going to include hiking along the Bruce Trail, Canada’s oldest and longest marked hiking trail (898...
The ‘cadence’ of jargon is stepping up
After running into countless uses of the word “cadence” over the past few months, I’m hopping on my Grouch Train. As happened with the word “resonate,” overuse has turned a respectable word into one that screams jargon. Here’s a look at cadence and some of the other...
Really? ‘Man-hours’? The hunt for inclusive language continues
Here’s the TL;DNR (too long; did not read) for this post: The term man-hours is outdated and politically incorrect. This week, more than 4.47 billion people wanted to know the meaning of “man-hours.” Google Trends shows fairly regular search traffic...
Before & after: Office 365 gets a name change
Remember the old days, when you used to buy software and run it until it would randomly crash and other things started to go wrong? Then you’d upgrade, spend hours getting things working again, and then run it until the danger zone again because it was such a hassle?...
Reel in reader attention with captions that captivate
Your readers might just skim your text (sorry!), but chances are they’ll look more closely at the headline, photo and caption. Ideally, those three elements together should tell most of the story, in case the reader bypasses the rest of the article altogether. Photos...
Boring topic? Here are 3 tips to spin your ‘straw’ into gold
So, you need to write about something important. The problem is, it’s boring or routine. You know the topics. They’re necessary, but they aren’t the sexiest. Safety reminders, maybe, or a potentially dry explanation of a (zzzz….) process...