The Red Jacket Diaries blog

Sue Horner is a freelance writer in Oakville, Ontario, who blogs about writing, newsletters, communications and running an independent business in The Red Jacket Diaries blog.
Friday fun, video version

Friday fun, video version

It’s Friday. Time for some Friday fun! Today we’re not looking at wordplay, for a change, but creative communications captured on video. Here’s a human Rube Goldberg creation (a concept captured in the old Mouse Trap game). Funny! And the work that...
Scare yourself to learn and grow

Scare yourself to learn and grow

One of my neighbours used to create increasingly elaborate scenes on his front lawn at Halloween: The figure of Dracula rested in a coffin; actually the neighbour’s son, he came to life and rose as children shrieked and ran past. The blade of a guillotine,...
Yet more expressive language

Yet more expressive language

I love reading the expressive ways people find to make a point. Here are my latest finds: “But even links that have nothing to do with Chinese cooking can bolster your profile if your site is barnacled with enough of them.” From a story on search...
How do you keep up with blogging?

How do you keep up with blogging?

When IABC/Toronto asked to interview me the other day for a newsletter article about blogging, my first thought was that it was because I don’t do a very good job of it. To my surprise, that wasn’t the case, so I shared some thoughts about blogging and how...

New words charm and annoy

The English language is definitely a living, growing thing. Oxford Dictionaries Online shows us proof every quarter, as they add new words made popular enough to warrant an entry. Here are some of the ones in the most recent release that I quite like or at least found...