The Red Jacket Diaries blog

Sue Horner is a freelance writer in Oakville, Ontario, who blogs about writing, newsletters, communications and running an independent business in The Red Jacket Diaries blog.
Report on IABC 2012, part 2

Report on IABC 2012, part 2

Here are more of the key points from sessions I attended at the IABC World Conference in Chicago in June: Darin Diehl and Katherine Fletcher: Content marketing in action The session described Sun Life’s creation of a helpful (unbranded) site for consumers called...
Report on IABC 2012, part 1

Report on IABC 2012, part 1

Once again, it’s taken almost a week since the IABC World Conference to capture the highlights in a blog post, but here are some of them. Besides having fun playing tourist in a great city, Chicago (that’s Cloud Gate in Millennium Park shown here), I was...


For Father’s Day, a salute to Dads everywhere with some of the pearls of “dad-isms” that have come from the fathers I know: “Life is too short to drink cheap wine.” “She was in the family way…she was in everyone’s...
Friday fun: Spam version

Friday fun: Spam version

Just had a quick look through the spam holding pen (thank goodness for Akismet, defender against comment spam, which has prevented 78,569 messages from getting through!).  There, amid the hundreds of links to pharmaceutical products and replica watches and such, were...
Friday word fun

Friday word fun

It’s Friday, and it’s the start of a long weekend (at least here in Canada). Seems like the perfect time for some word fun! Is it a piece of IKEA furniture or a type of cheese? An amusing quiz from Mental Floss. Thou wayward rump-fed malt-worm! Have some...