Sharpies as a simile and more expressive writing (Wordnerdery)
If you want to explain something, make a point or spark an “aha” moment, reach for “figurative language.” It’s a type of expressive writing that doesn’t just enhance style, it sharpens meaning, says The Canadian Writer’s Handbook. One type of figurative language is...
Tips for diversity and inclusion in links you might have missed, May edition
It’s Pride Month, it’s National Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous Peoples Day is coming up June 21. So diversity/inclusion is the focus of the latest roundup of links you might have missed, taken from social media posts shared on Twitter, LinkedIn and...
5 ways songwriters touch hearts (Wordnerdery)
When Canadian music legend Gordon Lightfoot died on May 1 at the age of 84, tributes flooded in. They praised his songwriting abilities and ballads that brought Canadian stories to the world. “A songwriter without parallel, his melodies and words were an...
Much to say about AI and ChatGPT, in links you might have missed, April edition
Are you as fascinated by the discussion about Artificial Intelligence (AI) as I am? If so, you’ll like the latest roundup of links you might have missed. These are all taken from posts I’ve shared on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. First, the discussion...
A fresh look at weasel words in April Wordnerdery
Just four minutes into its launch on April 20, Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship engine “experienced rapid unscheduled disassembly.” Not sure what that means? The engine blew up. Actually, SpaceX said they “commanded” a “flight termination system” to intentionally blow it...
Thoughts on newsletters, print (!) and words; all in links you might have missed, March edition
This week saw more “churn” on Twitter as CEO Elon Musk branded Canada’s public broadcaster, CBC News, as “government-funded media.” This tag was originally intended to warn users about China’s state media, suggesting government involvement in the content, aka...
Update to my ‘glory’ file with a lovely honour
Considering IABC basically runs on volunteers, it is a real honour to be singled out among the hundreds in the Toronto chapter as its one Volunteer of the Year. As IABC/Toronto says, “Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our chapter. Their passion for the...
Writing tips in links you might have missed, February edition
The flow of information on Twitter may be lessened, with so many people leaving since Elon Musk’s takeover. Still, it and other social media channels remain hectic. What are the chances you’ll be on a specific channel at the specific time someone shares that terrific...