Top 10As 2018 comes to a close, I have one last post for the Red Jacket Diaries: The top 10 most popular posts this year, as revealed by Google Analytics.

The posts fall into a range of categories. For example, readers seem to appreciate when I summarize interesting events, such as these ones for IABC/Toronto’s Professional Independent Communicators (PIC):

1. Gini Dietrich talked about the highs and lows of small business, and gave PIC members a challenge.

2. What communicators need to know about podcasting in 2018, straight from my friend and podcasting expert Donna Papacosta.

3. Better, warmer prospecting strategies for independents than cold-calling strangers, including warm email and referrals, from Ed Gandia.

4. Here’s the content of my part of a panel discussion on starting a freelance business, with links to a number of other resource for entrepreneurs.

I’m often inspired to blog about what’s going on around me, including:

5. A look at the type of data Facebook collects on us, and what I found about my own file.

6. Every year, people claim that blogging is dead. This post gives expert opinions that blogging is not only alive, “it’s more important than ever to have a blog.”

7. Your mission: Make the Ontario Cannabis Store logo boring (nailed it) was inspired by my own reaction to the new name and logo of what, let’s face it, we’re probably going to call the Weed Store.

Words are my business, so I often talk about words and how to use them:

8. Do you describe yourself on LinkedIn as experienced, passionate, strategic? These are among the top 10 words that have become buzzwords. This post gives some alternatives.

9. If you’re in a job transition, thinking of retiring or switching focus, you might appreciate these seven steps to update your LinkedIn profile.

10. A collection of Twitter fails – like “Follow us and we’ll follow you back!” and “Good times [link]” – also struck a chord.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you in 2019!

Image: Stuart Miles and

Related reading:
The top 10 posts in 2017
The top 10 posts in 2016
The top 10 posts in 2015