Top 10Thank you to the people who took the time to read (and sometimes comment) on the Red Jacket Diaries blog this year. Here are the 10 most-viewed posts in 2015:

1.  My recap of Mitch Joel’s speech to IABC/Toronto in February, where he talks about people wanting “access, not ownership” (think Snapchat, Spotify, Zipcar, Airbnb).

2.  Another recap, this one with advice on pricing for indie communicators shared by panelists at an IABC/Toronto Professional Independent Communicators (PIC) session.

3.  Reports of print’s death are exaggerated, and this post points to some of the reasons (further outlined in my February newsletter).

4.  My lament about people who use the phrase “hacking your life” struck a chord. Check the post for some alternatives.

5.  Tips for capturing attention and interest with your elevator speech, gleaned from another PIC session.

6.  My friend and colleague Donna Papacosta shares secrets for podcasting success in this recap of another talk to PIC.

7.  I love the British trade magazine The Bookseller‘s quirky Oddest Book Title contest.

8.  How do you reach non-desk employees? This post links to advice in my newsletter, including the not surprising “use multiple channels.”

9.  “Plumbing the depths of your website with analytics” shares tips for what to track and what to do with the information.

10.  I hit a professional slump in early 2015, and shared some of the methods I use to dig out of it.

Thanks again for reading, and see you in 2016.

Image: Stuart Miles and