What’s the best length for my e-newsletter?
Thanks to the pandemic, we’re not getting together in person much anymore. So what’s a marketer to do? Writer, digital marketer and huge newsletter fan Ann Handley calls this “a time to build relationships, nurture customers, and create long-term loyalty.” In her...
The Red Jacket Diaries are closed for a staycation

The top 10 in the Red Jacket Diaries so far in 2020
Is your head spinning to realize that 2020 is half over? (And thank goodness for that, although I’m still a little nervous about the murder hornets, the second wave of COVID-19 and other coming attractions.) That means it’s time for a backward look at the most-viewed...
15 ways to get to the heart of headlines (Wordnerdery)
You’ve created a terrific article, blog post, marketing email or other sparkly bit of content. Now, how do you entice people to read it? Start with an appealing headline. But wait, please don’t reach for a “clickbait” headline. You know, the ones that use...
Good news to share? Spell it out
My car insurance renewal arrived this week, and in (ahem) an “unprecedented” situation, it was good news for me – it’s less than it was last year. Of course, it should be. The Ontario government has pressured major insurance companies to lower auto rates...
13 simple ways to avoid saying ‘ramps up’
Are you getting a little tired of all this ramping up that’s been going on since the start of the pandemic? Testing, in particular, is always being ramped up, or there are calls for it to be ramped up. You might say the use of ramping up is itself ramping up. (Sorry.)...
Black boxes are easy. Taking action is hard
This week, black boxes like the one here flooded social media. It began when music-industry veterans Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang asked the industry to “pause” work on June 2 in solidarity with the Black community, and to protest the killing of George Floyd,...
Wordnerdery: 9+ tips to fight imposter syndrome
If a pandemic isn’t the time for internal communication professionals to stand up and shine, when will it be? So asked participants – five respected communication professionals – in a recent Staffbase-sponsored webinar about imposter syndrome. Is imposter syndrome...